Being let go from a job suddenly is terrible.
It can happen to anyone.
If you haven’t had experience of if before its easy for panic to set in, and your worries about rational things like the mortgage can soon shift to irrational worries about things that don’t matter.
The candidates we speak to that are either out of work or about to be out of work all have similar frustrations.
The lack of feedback from roles they apply for and the time taken by companies in their selection process.
There are multiple issues with having to wait 2 weeks for a second interview, especially for someone who needs to get a job quickly.
I totally understand that each company has a process to follow, I just think we could handle the experience better and ask ourselves “how would I feel if it was the other way round” or “could I really wait 2 weeks before finding out whether they think I am suitable for the job”.
Managing expectations by being transparent in your hiring process will help, but still drawing the process out I don’t think benefits anyone. Especially when you bear in mind your competitors who may be prepared to act quickly could remove your option to have a second interview with that person if they offer them a role in that 2 week period.
I’m a massive believer of “striking when the irons hot” – I like the momentum of a quick hiring process, that doesn’t mean its rushed.
Why do you companies take so long between stages in their hiring process?